Monday, July 16, 2007

The Times, They are a Changin'

Picture this if you will...I am walking down the street on a Sunday morning. I am following a 40-inch-tall little boy with a backpack on his back and carrying a sleeping bag. It was so cute and picturesque, but all I could think was, "How did this happen? When did my little baby boy grow into a big kid who goes on sleepovers?"

Then it occurs to me that when Rich and I came home from the Flying Saucer the night prior,* we could not go to bed because we had to wait up for J and Con to get home from the movies.

So, in one weekend, my little boy grew into a big kid and my other two boys turned into kids I had to wait up for.

*More on my embarrassing social gaffes next post.

1 comment:

el-e-e said...

ooh, ouch! my heart!! They're too YOOOOOUNG to go out to the movies! That is just not right.

(Can't wait to hear about the gaffes.)

You're back! yay!