Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Guess I Shouldn't Be All THAT Surpsised Now That I Think About It

I signed up for Swistle's fast of solidarity for Erica. And, let me just digress for a moment to say that in my email to Swistle wherein I signed up for this craziness I mentioned how it just warms my heart to NO END how the internet/blogosphere is CHOCK FULL of women supporting other women. (And, I suppose that we would support some menfolk too if need be) WHY WHY WHY do I not see more of this in my real brick-and-mortar life? Is it that I'm not looking for it yet it is happening right under my nose? I'm sure there is goodwill that goes on around me that I do not notice, but I would freaking notice if any of my "social circles" had ANYTHING like what I see on the net 'hood every day. While I know there are many influential women out there amongst you all, I feel a need to give a shout out to Swistle as the Champion of the Women supporting Women movement on the corner of the blogosphere I tend to hang out on. I'm not quite sure how to round out this rambling digression except to say that if the world had more Swistles, and more of all of you really, the evening news would look a lot different!

Back to the fast...I shouldn't be so surprised to discover that while I do miss the food, what i REALLY, REALLY, REALLY miss is the DIET COKE!!!!!! Sweet baby Jeebus! I may perish from the lack of my constant companion! On the bright side I have discovered that Peach Fresca and Black Cherry Fresca are rather DELISH! The only glitch with these tasty beverages (clear, no sugar liquids!) is that, especially with the peach variety, I keep thinking, "You know what be good? If I put some vodka in here!" But, for Erika, I resist! Cuz she has some steely willpower and I can't let 'er down!

Okay, they are about to turn off all my electricity AGAIN so, This is it. The per usual poorly written, disjointed, not edited thoughts that i throw up on the screen!

Tomorrow we can talk about some trashy crap whereby girls who slept with your boyfriend (for an AUDIENCE!) in high school want to "friend"you on facebook!!! WTH???


Tess said...

UM. Sort of can't wait for that boyfriend story. SO AWSE.

Katie said...

I read Erica's last few posts and I don't get why she has to fast for that many days! That seems dangerous or something!

Good for you for being supportive. I agree with you about Swistle and her support of women. If only all the internet people lived on my street!!

I LOVE Fresca, too! I would miss food more than I would miss Diet Coke though. I cannot comprehend making it one day without food. I am way too wussy for fasting!

Mandy said...

That whole supportive thing is great, I went and read some of the posts a while ago - I guess she is having weightloss surgery?
I know someone who did that and wish I could write endless blogs about my last few years of having to deal with the outcome of that surgery -- BUT this isnt what YOUR post and the supportive fast is about -- I guess my point is its hard for me read about that particular medical issue b/c of my personal situation involving it (does theis make ANY sense? - I am not trying to be heartless or cruel - I just cant deal with that specific issue b/c of the basic emotional abuse I have suffered b/c of it)

in any case, your right, I too have seen endless support (mostly thru twitter) given to strangers - its awe inspiring

this is a sucky comment, sorry, love ya, mean it:)

el-e-e said...

Oh yes, DO let's revisit that particular boyfriend moment from our history books! Ha! :) The details are fuzzy in my old woman brain.

Anonymous said...

Bring on the boyfriend story! I need something to take my mind off the fact that I'm busy NOT EATING.

Swistle said...

WEEEEE are the CHAMP-yuns, my FREH-ends!