Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Luch Sucks

I'm tired of making lemonade. I have had my effing fill of lemonade. Just keep your damn lemons to yourself or ask someone else to make lemonade out of them because I, for one, am not doing it anymore. And, that shit sandwich you're serving? I'm eating it alright. But if you expect me to eat it politely with a knife and fork - well, then - just hell no. I won't.


Mandy said...

and MaryB is back Ladies and Gentleman

**stands up and claps**

MaryB said...

Hoping my mother wont read the comments -

Rough day doesnt even BEGIN to describe it. I excitedly watched them pur MY foundation for my new house only for 20 minutes later to look ata house for a freind which my husband fell in love with. And, now that mother fucking house is probably goign to be mine. I wont go into it any further except to say, that Yes. Yes you can actually became physically dehydrated from crying.

Ill tell you all more when I can be more rational. Which, for now, I am utterly incapable of.

Katie said...

Oh SHIT!!!! Now, if you'd seen the new house before you did all the work/plans for yours would you have loved it? Or is it just one that isn't you?

Anything is Possible said...

Wait! Did I read correctly? YOU looked at a house for your FRIEND and somehow Rich decided he is buying it? How does that happen? Especially, how can that happen when the work has begun on your new house?