Monday, September 10, 2007

Laughter is the Best Medicine

This funny gal has managed to condense an entire day of my life into one minute!

You may have to listen 2 or 3 times to catch all the words as it goes by very quickly!

If you are a mom to children over the age of 2 and you do not laugh when you see this, we probably do not have much in common.

And, I assure you that it is most certainly their father's DNA. I am simply perfect and always have been. Just ask my mother. She never said any such things to moi' !


Anonymous said...

Hi! Someone left the link here in my comment section, and OMG that is so great.

Anonymous said...

Oh No, your Mom never said any of those things...ha! She did, however, say "I hope someday you have a little girl just like you!" and MaryBeth replied "So do I because I'll treat her RIGHT!"