Connor turned 10 today! I cannot believe it! This is the same child who I once found putting eggs from the fridge when he could not find the golf balls that went with his Little Tykes golf set. (did I mention he was allergic to raw eggs, was doing this in his diaper, and was covered with hives???) He is the same child I searched frantically for (he had been known to escape our base housing unit no matter how well locked the door was) only to eventually find him contentedly hiding in the dryer eating chocolate. The same child who moved to Japan at 4 weeks old. The same child who told me during one deployment that when Daddy came home he was "going to troe im down da stays (stairs)." but then stuck to Daddy like glue when he finally did return. It was during this time frame (2ish) that his two favorite comebacks were:
1. "oh yeah? well, I not your bruter anymo! Huh!" (This was not only used on his brother, but on anyone who annoyed him.)
2. "No! You wong! and you wong for da res of your wife!"
He is the child who actually got his tongue stuck to a freezer in a motel room while I was outside of the locked door. (boy, that one is a post unto itself!) He hates all things he deems to be girly. He always says thank-you after dinner, but he almost never remembers to clear away his dishes. We were worried that he was developmentally delayed because he wasn't reading much at all when he started 1st grade - he now devours books at a rate that is almost not humanly possible. He is in the 4th grade reading at a 10th grade reading level. Ha - jokes on us! He loves to read even more than I do, but enjoys totally different genres than me. He likes fantasy and magic. He loves chocolate even more than I do. His other favorite foods are roasted asparagus, sushi, steamed artichokes, fried chicken and pizza. He hates any sort of carrot which is strange since his favorite color is orange. If he doesn't eat every 2 hours he loses his mind! He is mostly a very serious child, but his dry sense of humor is hysterically funny! He is starting to be an "older kid" but still loves to play chase and hide-n-seek in the house with Grant.
To celebrate his special day, I'll share with you his latest crazy comment.
Jamie sees a cat as we are driving through the neighborhood. He is convinced that this cat is Mini-Me's (our cat's) dad. He is going through a litany of arguments as to why he so sure of this. Then, Connor says, "Um, Mini-Me doesn't have a dad. She only had a mom." Jamie rolls his eyes and just looks at Con like with a Duh!-like expression. Connor looks confused for a second, and asks, "oooh...Do you mean they had to mate or something?" And, after a momentary pause continues, "Ugh! The antics of cat romance are rather disgusting to me!" That is a direct, verbatim quote. Do other 10-year olds speak this way? I know Jamie didn't. Then again, other 10-year olds do not run into columns in the store because they are trying to keep up with me while they refuse to stop reading and watch where they are going.
Spell check is not working! Does anyone know why???? I am WAY too tired to try to proofread myself tonight...sorry, guys!
Love the pictures!! Happy Birthday to Connor! I almost gave him a 2nd cousin for his birthday, but... not quite. :)
He was really hoping for that. I told him you were not home when I called, and he got all excited. Any day is a good day for a new cousin though! Keep us aprised of any updates!!
It was so late when I was trying to pick out pictures - aargh - they are not so great. I was trying to get a picture for each year, but it was getting crazy!
I cannot believe he is 10. He was in your belly when I met you. It breaks my heart that my boyfriend has no idea who I am. Those Japan pictures take me back.
I remember when he broke the dozen eggs whle you were in the shower and was then covered with hives from playing in them. I also rememebr him stuffing your credit cards in the floppy drive of your computer. He was a handful.
I LURV those pictures! I can't believe he's ten!!! Tell him Happy Birthday for us. We have a favorite Connor moment too. I don't know if you remember this one or not. We were at your apartment in Japan for a holiday (probably Christmas since there was a tree involved? Maybe the dreary one with Doug's mama?? Ring any bells?). Anyway, Connor was running around in the living room while eating marshmallows or chocolate or something and fell/rolled into the tree. Jas and I watched him as you came flying into the room to yell at him to stop. Con-man did a complete FREEZE and his eyes got humungous while his cheeks almost exploded from the food he had piled in. It was great. We still reference Connor moments in this house.
Spell check is overrated anyway. Just wing it.
Your kid, he is so brilliant with the one-liners.
Funny, funny kid. And a happy late birthday. I'm with the Atsugi crowd here - HOW can he be ten? The growing, it must stop.
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