Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who Needs Kitchen Stadium? We've Got Your Dinner Challenge Right Here!

We made them wrestle with their food to eat it.

We made them eat with plastic shovels.

It seems that they were the victors judging from the post-battle evidence.


Anonymous said...

My kids are so dang picky they won't eat ANYTHING. I have tried everything except plastic shovels. That's next on my list..I'll let you know how it goes.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Skinny as your kids aer, you are making them fight for nutrition?!? Jamie looks so intent- "This crab leg is MINE!" Love the shovels as flatware.

Mandy said...

they look so cute/good/handsome in their polo shirts;)

SLynnRo said...

I don't like lobster. THERE I SAID IT. It makes people MAD!

MaryB said...

Slynn - you don't like lobster OR WINE???? It doesn't make mad, just befuddled!