Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's Kinda Like When You Drink Too Much And Know You'd Feel Better If You Just Gagged Yourself and Got It Overwith

Not that I'd know anything about that...

Moving on...

So, have you seen The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslett? If you haven't, its pretty good as chic fliks go...good enough that Ive seen it three times and have not wanted to gouge my eyes out yet. Anywho, Cameron's character, Amanda, can NOT cry. She wants to. She tries. There is a funny sequence of her trying all sorts of ways to bring on the tears to no avail. THIS IS ME, PEOPLE! WHAT is WRONG with me? I feel like I am on the teetering brink of a nuclear, crying meltdown about 96% of the time and yet, NOTHING. Nada. Zilch. I set aside a whole entire day alone last week to indulge myself. Read a sad book, have wine with lunch in the middle of the day by myself. Watch a sad movie. Wear my jammies and have myself a good, long, pitiful crying gag. NOTHING I tell you.

What does this say about me? How do I fix it? Should I fix it? AAARGH!


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl Friend, So count your blessing instead. But if you loose a kid for a whole hour that will make you cry. Wesman left the house unannounced yesterday and we could not find him. So Eliza and I were in tears. Lucky for us he was just two houses up in the neighbors backyard playing with a friend. By the by, I loved the Holiday too! Seen 3x's. And if you ask Patrick about the crying he would say he could gladly fix you with a slam on your hand with his hammer, gruesome, but effective no less. Liz

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I'd like to stop crying at inopportune moments, so we can trade. Father's Day cards got me.

And, good Lord Liz, I'd be frantic. Glad he wasn't anywhere too far.

Mandy said...

Perhaps what you think you SHOULD be crying over you really SHOULD NOT be crying over .... IE: whatever it is never mattered enough for you to care that much and your BRAIN knows it and is not allowing you to cry.

Anything is Possible said...

I don't cry much either. My family calls me the hard a$$. I'd like to cry but I'm more of a 'no nonsense' kind of gal. If something happens and I think I should cry, I make time for a bath and I just let it all out. Killing two birds with one stone and all that....

Julie said...

If you've pulled out all the stops and still nothing? Just let it go. It doesn't mean you're made of stone!

The bigger question here is HOW did you manage to get a whole day to yourself like that??