Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Some People are Lucky, and Some, Notsomuch

Lucky People (i.e. me) walk into Krispy Kreme to discover that they are rolling pumpkin spice doughnuts hot off the line and get handed one, free of charge! If you love the originals hot, OMG, you have to experience one of these during the holidays.

Not so lucky is the suddenly accident prone middle child's head which was pelted in the face with a ball at P.E. It was enough of an event that the school nurse called to inform me of the incident. Does the kid's head have some kind of gravitational pull? Is this his way of retaliating against my many claims that he is not, in fact, the axis on which the earth spins? Has he changed the laws of physics and nature just to spite me? If so, I hope he realizes that his head is paying way more of a price for such rebellion than I am.


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Honest to God, he didn't outgrow this? Didn't we have this conversation years ago in Japan about how he just couldn't stop hitting his head? He's never going to be able to learn algebra if they keep smacking his noggin. Maybe he should ask for a hockey helmet for Christmas...

Tess said...

PUMPKIN SPICE? Are you fricking serious? I did not know about this.

"Gravitational pull". Heh.

MaryB said...

Annie, you should be careful, we've decided that the very blonde hair is the culprit. Does Sam exhibit any symptoms of multiple head injuries syndrome?