Monday, January 7, 2008

Thank the Lord for Techno-Geek Parents!

Because it is no thanks to any of you that I have been led from the dark ages to the beauty of Pandora. Did you all know about this? I had to hear it from my mother! Have
I fallen into the vast pit of mommy induced un-hipness? I LOVE this - radio stations that play whatever I'm in the mood for, and only what I'm in the mood for that I can whittle away at until they really "get" me.

So, go make yourselves some stations if you haven't already. Happy Procrastinating!

Oh, and lets just talk about the genius who can create a genome project for music...I'm awed!

1 comment:

Tess said...

I use Yahoo Launchcast, which is similar. Every once in a while it thinks it knows me a little too well and I have to smack it down, but mostly it's cool.