Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday - back to life, back to reality

I liked waking up better with no alarm clock doing the waking. I liked breakfast better when it was almond croissants and cafe Americano ordered and eaten while everyone else was already ordering lunch.

Rich did a surprisingly good job managing Connor's big sandwich/book project! I can't tell you how great that is for me. It enabled me to have a great weekend and not come home to freaking out and chaos. Also, it means that I know that I can relinquish my control freakishness and count on him to be more helpful in this area. This is a HUGE relief to me! AND, and...the house was pretty darn well picked up, there were no dishes in the sink (probably because they ate out like every meal, but whatever!), and he had even done a load of laundry. Put on your coats, people, because I'm pretty sure that hell is freezing over as we speak.

Now, I must get my house in order and start working on the 6th grade's auction project in earnest. Can't believe how I have procrastinated on that task. I am not a procrastinator. Oh, well, life has been inordinately weird lately.

So, tell me all about your fabulous weekends.


Anything is Possible said...

MB- I wouldn't call my weekend fabulous! YOUR weekend was fabulous! I'm glad you and Susan had so much fun. Great pictures by the way. My weekend revolved around a 2 1/2 year old. We played swords a LOT and ate lots of ice cream. That's it. (The ice cream helped us manage our horrible allergies. Do you remember what Pcola is like right now?? Allergen hell.)

MaryB said... cream for allergies...thats a new one on me. I might have to try it. Pcola didnt bother me much. probably because I lived there and was adjusted to it or something like that. HOWEVER, here? I think Im goign to die most every. single. day.

Katie said...

Ummmm....mine was NOTHING like your weekend!!I hope you don't feel too blah being back in the daily rut!