Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Foot In Mouth Syndrome

Do you ever leave comments and then, when it is too late, realize it didn't come across quite the way you intended? Or that it was just STOOPID?

You know the most stupid aspect of my affliction??? It is that when you are commenting on a blog you can type, edit, and choose your words carefully. But me? Hell no. I give more thought to what I say, out loud, in person than to what I jet off in a comment. Heck, I don't even spell check comments.

At what age or milestone can I look forward to not making an ass out of myself anymore?


SLynnRo said...

I do it all time to. I stress to a degree entirely unnecessary about my comments.

SLynnRo said...



el-e-e said...

Ooh, what did you SAAAAY? *scurries off to your faves to see where you've been commenting*

(YES I also do this all the time.)

Mandy said...

yeah, what DID you say???

but I do it too - probably more than I realize - which probably makes it worse that there may be comments out there that I am not aware are stooooopid:)