I have nothing nice to say. Blame it on PMSing, paint and lacquer fumes, or just a "feeling like a loser" funk. Getting the PTO up and running for the new school year probably isn't helping either. The PTO gig should come with a complimentary prescription for anti-anxiety meds. (AND A FLIPPIN BREAK ON TUITION!)
Well, not only do I have nothing nice to say, but most of the mean crap I have to say is not entertaining, and the mean stuff that is entertaining I can't blog about. (SO wish I could - I'd need a REAL big soap box!)
Maybe tomorrow I'll get a picture of the bulldozer driver working on our street who wears a red cowboy hat that is longer front to back than the man is tall. The boys named him "Swagger" at some point last week due to the way he saunters around the work site. It cracks me up EVERY single morning when I hear one of the boys say, "Work must be startin'; here comes Swagger."
One bright note - progress!!! It is only primer, but I FINALLY found a color that really does look like white buttercream after you add the vanilla (sherwin williams creamy) and it is going on tomorrow morning!

omgomgomg, SO PRETTY. :)
Hope you're feeling better about things soon. And I agree about the tuition break. SRSLY.
I WANT your eat-at counter or whatever they are called ... WANT IT !!!!!!!
cant wait to see the paint color
"swagger" tooo funny and totally Texas too;)
Your kids. They are funny.
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