What a weekend! Saturday morning found mom and dad sleeping in. It was heavenly. Not long after getting out of bed, Grant came running in the front door to inform us that, " Daddy, Daddy! There are
baby birds on the sidewalk Really, really, BABY birds." And we were all, "grumble,
mmhmm,, grumble, coffee, creamer, uh-huh." Then, Jamie came in to back up Grant informing us that Grant was not exaggerating, there were, in fact, two brand-new birds
on the sidewalk and that only one was alive. The kids were not giving this up so Rich went out to investigate. Grant followed closely behind him. Next thing I know, Rich was back inside calling down the hallway that, "we have a problem." The problem became apparent when I came out of my room to find Rich in the hallway with a tiny, tiny, baby bird in his hand. I said something along the lines of, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" He said, "I know, I know, but Grant was there kneeling next to me and when the bird opened its beak, Grant looked up and said, 'he's
ngree, Daddy' " he continued that, "Furthermore, it was OUR cat who ingested the bird's mother and brother." And THAT is how I ended up making a baby bird
incubator out of a heating pad,
tupperware, and paper towels, and making baby bird Karo water and baby bird food out of soggy cat food.
(You all see the irony in THAT one, right?)As it turns out, you have to feed a baby bird like EVERY TEN MINUTES for at least 12 hours a day! And, also, they poop. A LOT. I was none too happy about all of this and assumed that the bird would give up the fight in a short while. Nope. Bird is still alive. I told Rich that apparently the bird was viable and that I was in NO WAY going to raise a bird for 3-6 weeks until it could fly
(we figured out by looking on line that the bird was between 5 and 7 days post hatch.) all the while feeding it every 30 minutes....Not to mention IT IS JUST GROSS and should not be in my house. He checked around and Animal Control said they knew of some private
rehabilitators that could care for it. Animal Control came and picked it up just a few minutes ago. What do you think the chances are that they are totally blowing sunshine up our rear ends and that there are
no rehabilitators and that they just killed it??? Because now I'm like all sad and shit. Damn baby bird, I didn't even like you. You were UGLY and weird looking, but now I'm sad they might kill you.
Good Luck Baby Bird. You were kind of cute in your own hideously ugly way.
I doubt they would come out to your house and pick it up if only to kill it. I just doubt anyone would put that much effort (and gas money) into something they didn't really want to deal with. But, WHY? What are they going to do with it? It is strange...
You're right....it was cute in a hideous way.
Hi. I'm attacking your comments section! I just double posted. Sorry!
this is why our cat stays inside!!
omg...You handled that way better than I would have. Baby birds...ick. Kudos to you for that incubator. Seriously creative stuff!
They do rehabilitate them. On eof my Mom's cousins volunteers at one in Az. Good job keeping the little guy alive. That must count towards heaven.
I'm with Mandy - that's why our cat stays inside. Of course, if a small bird was ever to get in our house, kitty wouldn't know what to do with it. I think it's funny that your husband caved and brought the bird inside!
Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't help you out with that. But honestly, I doubt they would totally LIE to you about taking it to a rehaber. There are rehabers around who would definitely take it. I'm more surprised they actually PICKED IT UP for you instead of making drop it off and pay a fee for them to take it. That's how it goes around here.
The chances of that baby bird suriving, however? Zilch. Sorry!!
I think you'll get points in animal heaven for your efforts whether the bird survives or not.
love your mutliple options for titles for this post. all of them are awesome.
Good luck, ugly bird!
We did this nursing business with SO many cats back in the day. It's exhausting!
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