So, we, at the moment, have two houses in mind. One is the clear front runner, but there will have to be much negotiating of the price and terms. The dilemna you get to guide me about comes into play with house the second choice....
Remember these peeps?

Obviously, we are good friends, yes? They are fabulous. Their kids? Adorable and fabulous.
Well, they just bought a new house. Guess where it is? One over from our house choice #2. Is that weird? On the one hand it sounds like a blast! John Daly's in the driveway and by the pool and fire pit when-the-heck-ever. Kids can play when ever. Pilot/reservist hubs gone? Built in company for the gals/moms! Sounds awesome! They think it would be awesome too. (or so they tell us!)
So, why does it feel so weird to me? Like we are crazy, stalker friends? Maybe they wont like us so much when they live one house over...that would make me sad.
Also, I'm hoping all the worry will be for naught and that seller's of house choice the first** will be desperate to sell and meet our offer (if we ever get the nerve to actually MAKE the offer!)
**It should be noted for the discussion's sake that the first choice house is also technically in "the neighborhood." When I say "neighborhood" I mean a HUGEASS community that is now technically its own city and,in fact, has its own zip code. The first choice house is in a separate section/neighborhood of the masterplanned community. Probably in the section the furthest away from them actually. It should also be noted that often when we discuss pros/cons of each of the houses we always know which one is the first choice, but always end the conversation with, "BUT it's not one door down from G&K."
For what it's worth, I think it would be awesome to have a set of close friends living next door! A little primetime sitcomish, sure, but in a very cool way :) Good luck with everything!!
Living near friends would be great! Especially since both husbands are frequently away with work. Just think of the whole house hunting this way, if Choice #1 doesn't work out...Choice #2 comes with a bonus! I have a feeling you're looking at houses in one of those all-in-one communities aren't you? If so, there's nothing wrong with that. There's something to be said for complete convenience. You're not a stalker and you don't have to fry up any crow! Thanks for posting, I missed your stories.
Rach - check your fb inbox!
and, yes, ALL-in-one. There are two neighborhood only elem schools, and one neighborhood only middle school. 6 pools, 6 tennis courts, 2 gyms, golf course, a ton of other stuff, AND yard maintenance is included with HOA does. Also, there is AWESOME shopping ONLY three minutes away!
WHERE THE HELL IS THIS? Email me, gah!
I think it's cool to live close to friends, too. Especially if you are tight.
I know where you are going to live and you will love it. My friends that live there love it and we love visiting them and swimming at the fancy pools.
You should buy a house you really want, because what if your friends move and you are stuck in a house you don't love? And as someone said, #1 may not work out, and then #2 will have a bonus. We have good friends that we always talked about living next door and putting a gate in the fence so our kids could go back and forth. So I get that desire to live next door to good friends.
In my world living by friends would never work out the way I would want it to in my head ... but that is jut ME and I really hope it works out for YOU because that place sounds nice and fun and totally "maryb" ... why isnt house #2 house #1 anyway???? like does it have a kick ass kitchen or something???
and YAY for being "back"
I would love to live close to good friends, especially ones who have children that I don't mind my kids being around. Sounds like either option would be great. Glad you're back! :)
That was me in the above comment...Sid was logged in and I wasn't paying attention. He agrees with me that living next door to friends and children that we like would be awesome.
Hey MB, thanks for your housing update. I agree with Nicole. In this world of uncertainty I would pick the best house. You may not live one house away, but you will love and cherish both. Liz G
Don't know if I ever gave you an official opinion last week, but it is this: 1) not stalkerish, and 2) what nicole said. Go with the "forever house" if you can swing it. And save a little corner of the guest room for me and my family to move in. We're small.
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