Friday, April 18, 2008

Feeling Better About this Already

Today is a GLORIOUS day! Truly. It is not too hot, it's not cold, just the most pleasant sunny, blue-skied day you could imagine. so, when invited to meet for lunch/kid play time at Central Market I said "YES!" without hesitation. (Although, I should have gotten myself home to keep cleaning for impending in-law!!!) So, there we sat enjoying the lovely weather and lunch al fresco as the kids frolicked on the playground (and, please don't think my life is this leisurely or luxurious all the time!) when I hear a friendly "Hello! OMG! I am SO embarrassed!" It was my new Vice President of the PTO. She had in her cart 6 bottles of wine and one case of high-end beer. She was embarrassed???? I was all, "Are you kidding me? This is like a sign from God that this is gonna be okay after all!"


Mandy said...

what kind of beer was it?? :)

Katie said...

Bring on the PTO meetings!!! :)

P.S. I LOVE and MISS Central Market....