Thursday, April 17, 2008

The ONE Time I Go to Bed Early!

It is no secret that I would leave my husband for John Stewart. The Daily Show has, however, IMHO, been a little stale lately. So, I didn't give it much of a thought last night as I went to bed directly after Top Chef last night. Holy Moly...I missed THIS! I have not laughed this hard in years! Watch the whole thing and you wont need your Prozac or Zoloft today!

I'm sure that as a good Catholic girl I should be offended or something. I, contrarily, find it almost reverent of the Pope (the Popey Po Po aka Legs Benedict!). I mean, seriously, don't you feel sorry for this very educated, intellectual, multi-lingual man having to make small talk with Dubya?

Anywho, whether you love Dubya, hate Catholics, love Catholics, this is some funny funny stuff!
Much , much funnier than reading me drone on about wood flooring choices or new miracle bathroom cleaners which are the only things I've got on the brain today!


el-e-e said...

OH MY GOD. (punny, aren't I?)

This literally had me laughing, and at then end when Dubya said, "Awesome speech," my knee-jerk reaction was, out loud, "Oh, JESUS."


Jon Stewart is almost as funny as me.

Thank you for pointing me toward this GEM! Am going to set up a Season Pass on Tivo now. (Don't know why I've never watched TDS... (wait for it)... religiously... before.)

Mandy said...

funny stuff ... el-e-e too !!

PS I really want to know about the miracle bathroom cleaner, seriously!!!

Katie said...

Okay...I just watched the whole thing and there was no pope...I must have watched the wrong episode. I love The Daily Show. It is so hilarious!

Katie said...

I found it! HILARIOUS! Love the invisible plane, the German accent thing and the awesome speech? Are you kidding me? HE SAID THAT???? Wait. I'm not surprised.

MaryB said...

Katie - Thanks! I fixed the link. I knew they would move the video from the front page to the video archives, but forgot to go back and change the link - sorry!