Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Its Official! Straight from the Couch!

Let's get the awkward part out of the way...I've been seeing a therapist, okay? You would too if you moved to Texas.

First things first, I must think of something to call Ms. Therapist because therapist is too creepily formal. How about ShrinkyDink? An ode to arts and crafts of the 70s and 80s.

So, in "visiting" with ShrinkyDink, I may have discovered my personal "WHY" of blogging. This "WHY" question seems to be a prevalent blog topic, and I, not really one to contemplate the "why's" of things, never understood the prevalence. (Could I use a few more quotation marks? Is the quotation mark going to replace the ellipsis as my favorite punctuation mark?)

It seems that "pickings are slim" for friends here in Cowtown. (again with the quotation marks - but it is a quote of exactly what she said!) Yes, I have social acquaintances and such, but only one real friend and she likes to accuse me of being OC and anorexic which is getting OLD. The SAHMs here seem to like to participate in the big game of Competitive Parenting. A game in which I refuse to play. I am used to having a non-judgemental, open-minded, fun, and worldly bunch of girls. They were(are!) self confident, accomplished women who didn't need to hide behind their children or tear other people down to make themselves seem bigger. 'Round these here parts, it seems, all those types work outside the home. Thus, I am left seemingly alone to deal with those who choose to compete and live vicariously through their children. Ugh!

Eureka!!! This must be why I blog! So, if you are a real life friend 'o mine from one locale or another, you should be honored. Apparently I blog because I miss your smart and witty repartee!

Professional Advice from ShrinkyDink: Keep blogging or I will lean more and more on poor 'ol Rich who will be all, "Ugh! Woman! Space!! Please! Can't Breathe!"


Mandy said...

I need to take a seat on a couch too!!!

serioulsy, there are a few people I know here, but no "real friends" in fact, I cant remember what its like to have real friends and now I am at a point in my life where most people just piss me off and I am better off being a loner!!!

I guess it is a lot of pressure to put on the husband ... something to think about .... of course the second I make a friend "they" will shut down the base here and we will move again anyway ... more to think about ...

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

You know I'm always avaiable for non-competitive conversations of the Mommy variety or otherwise. You've got my number girlie.

Tess said...

Man, I need a therapist! I can't believe I've made it this long in TX without one!

This is really interesting to me, and I agree. I do have some good college friends here, but still they are different from me in many ways (background, upbringing, political leanings, etc), which is mostly a function of my own choices in living here and especially going to Baylor. And I realize that. But I do miss my friends from MN, and so many of the awesome people I meet online remind me of them.

I guess (SURPRISE!) like you I often feel that I don't fit in in Texas, and on the blogs I visit, I DO. And who wouldn't like that feeling?

MaryB said...

Tessie - whats really pathetic is that I dont are if they are like me or agree with me. I tend to fall in the middle of the spectrum of my friends' political leanings and such. the problem is that I have ANY opinions on anything other than gossiping about other moms and their children. I'm all for some intellectual stimulation from the opposite side. It just seems that the culture is alittle diferent here in that all of these peole are at work while I am at home. I realize that this is a sweeping generalization, but it really has proven laregly true for me.

As an aside, the "not fitting in" her in TX is one of the many reasons my kids are in Catholic school. The general leanings of the faculty and parents are more in line with ours than the masses at the local schools. We would never fit in there. e.g. one mom recently said to me upon discovering that my oldest is VERY interested in politics and world affairs, "well, is he on your side, or is he smart like the rest of us?" This could have been meant to be funny, but her delivery didn't imply such. I just want my boys to know from an early age that there are almost ALWYS intellectually valid points on either side of an issue. UGH! Okay, I have resorted to ranting even in my comments!!WHAT is WRONG with me?????

MaryB said...

Ranted AND I made no sense! Just ignore me ....What is that you call this? Oh yes, A SHAME SPIRAL!