Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hello, My Name is MaryB and I Am a Hypochondriac

Is hypochondria a symptom of being a mother? Seriously, I do not remember being this paranoid before I had kids. I had my ridiculous "tummy troubles" as I use to euphemize my wretched intestinal issues, but those were REAL, far too real. I can not think of a time before I had children that I was so anxious about every ache and pain. To be more specific I do not remember thinking that every headache I ever had was a brain tumor. Yes, you read that right, I am a NUT JOB of the highest order. However, I can't even be a hypochondriac correctly. Because, apparently most hypochondriacs go to the doctor. I avoid doctors like the plague. I'm petrified of what they will tell me or, even worse, they will figure out that I am certifiably crazy!

I'd feel much better if you all would confess that you too, on occasion, have ridiculous unfounded fears.

Because, you know, it certainly couldn't be the amount of caffeine I drink, the amount of sleep that I don't get that, or my over-thinking and stressing about every.damn.thing. that lead to my headaches. No, No, No, that would be far too rational and logical.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to my bed where sleep will likely elude me due to the amount of crazy circling in my head.


Iceberg Queen said...

You know, if you were really a nut job, the possibility wouldn't even cross your mind. Enough stress can drive anyone 'round the bend. Have a mango margarita and try ot forget about it.

Katie said...

Hmmmm...maybe you're just a worrier and not an actual hypochondriac. I think I am definitely a hypochondriac, and I do like going to the doctor....because they usually say "everything' normal. Don't worry." And then I believe them for a little while and it is a bit of a relief.

My husband is like you though, AVOIDS ALL DOCTORS like the plague (could just be that pilot thing), but is always stressed out that he has something terrible wrong with him! I'm always shrieking, "GO TO THE DOCTOR THEN!!! OR STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT!" (Not you. I don't mind you complaining...just him!)

Plus, the mother thing totally brings out all the worries. I'm with ya!

That sucks about the JA ruining your vacation timing...I hope that the next one comes at a good time and that you can make it!

Tess said...

I seriously (SERIOUSLY) need to cut down on the coffee too. But I DO NOT WANT TO. WAHHHHHHH.

I don't think I'm a hypochondriac, but I AM definitely more paranoid about dying now that I have a kid.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really a hypochondriac about myself, but I'm always convincing myself that Colby is going to die from some horrible undiagnosed malady, and it is my job to figure out what it is. So far I've come up with asthma and melanoma and have yet to convince him to become the least bit concerned, so we'll see how it goes from here I guess!

Mandy said...

my problem is I am sooo shy that it freaks me out to actually make the dr appt - seriously, its not about the medical issue at hand, its the picking up the phone and talking to the person on the other end - yep, so I am all kinds of other crazy ..

Susiewearsthepants said...

Sometimes I get this very brief, sharp pain in my head. I always assume it's a brain tumor, yet like you I refuse to go to the doctor unless I am knocking on death's door. My mom passed out once and I diagnosed her with a stroke. Turns out it was inner ear infection. I really am stuck on the brain tumor thing though.