You are required to dress me. Pick a dress or, like I said before, tell me to start over! Suggest shoes, accessories, bags. Do not have to be specific ones (although that is appreciated!) - just ideas of colors, shapes, designs to look for.
Damn the new cute background...I took the time to line them all up so that fronts and backs were side-by-side. Now they do not fit in that configuration!
Oh, and here are the links:
Dress A
Dress B
Dress C
Your Questions Answered:
1. What does Rich like? Rich does not currently have a favorite - Well, he did but I disliked it so much I wouldn't bring it home. Here it is.
2. Am I wearing hose? In the pictures, yes. i have the knee phobia. HATE my knees, and they look even worse as I think one of my kneecaps isn't exactly completely connected anymore. Cheerleading is BAD to knees. As for will I wear them? Well, now, THAT is part of YOUR job. Girl at store says coloreds are back in???? Seriously? And she had these teeny-tiny fishnet patterned stockings? Feels a little hooker-esque to me????? But I hate my knees and I like peep-toes! WHAT is a girl to do? (I often use spray-on)
3. Do you feel better in Dress A? Well, no. I think I feel about the same in all of them. I do have knee "issues" and I feel that dress A makes my arse look wide (but not as wide as in the photo) and I feel that dress B makes me look "hippy" but that is the way the dress is gathered. Dress C I have worn before and love. It has more of an empire waist effect in person (maybe the camera angle at fault?) And, my dear, dear husband in his efforts to not die informs me that I look thinner in them in person. He says that since I made him exclude my head from the photos that the angle is all goofy and makes me look wider. He is usually BRU-TAL-LY honest - the kind of honest many husbands do not get away with - so I take him at his word. (I've got some good examples of his honesty if you ever need some entertainment.)
4. Not a question, but added info - Their site on "The Knot" (Oh thank the goodlawhd this didn't exist when I got hitched!) declares the dress code to be "Dinner Dressy Coat and Tie." WTH does that mean? I just assumed evening wedding at the cathedral and FW Club inferred suit and tie?? And to me, suit and tie means cocktail dresses or such for the ladies. Coat and tie? NotSoMuch.
5. Why so stuck on the WHBM? Well, because my darling husband just plunked down a very tidy sum of money to cater to my furniture pickiness and has remodeled my kitchen and family rooms. And need I mention the state of the economy? And I do love "the market" - so many cute dresses all in one place! The clincher - I have substantial gift card to spend there. (also- their vanity sizing is RIDICULOUS and I have to admit to getting a high from purchasing clothes in the size that fits there. Yes, illogical and stupid. Can't be helped.)
Hmmm. All three dresses are just beautiful. -So are you don't take that dress comment the wrong way. I must think this over! I'll get back to you.
Girl, I am not going to take it the wrong way! I am well aware of the downhill slide my physique has taken the last four years...Believe you can't possible bring up anything I haven't thought of. I thought about including all of my own thoughte regardiong each dress, but did not want to influence anyone's opinion or to sound like a whiny wench (which I would!)
(delurking)...I truly love all three on you, but for some reason, the second dress seems very "Breakfast at Tiffany's"-esque and I can see it with a string of multiple pearls and a classic hairdo. I guess maybe it depends upon the crowd a bit, but you will certainly stand out in all three.
I think all three are gorgeous! ON YOU, especially! But my favorite is Dress A and I know how you love/feel good in a halter-type neckline. Does Rich have a favorite? (Did I miss that part of the conversation?)
Are you definitely wearing hose? 'Cause I'm seeing some pretty strappy black sandals here, too.. hello, 90-degree heat. Excuse for a fun spa day slash pedicure?? ;)
With that neckline I would likely do no necklace, but pretty dangly earrings. Then again, WTH do I know about fashion?! Exactly nothing! And maybe you have to be seasonal even IF the weather is not... I dont' know. (Sorry, likely causing you more angst here!!)
(Finally: Waaaa, I want to get dressed up! Can I come?)
I've been back and forth with these pictures! It's so hard to make a decision.
I think B is my favorite. I agree with tuwabvb that it has an Aubrey Hepburn vibe. Plus, I think it makes your waist look tiny.
With B, I think I would skip the necklace and go with simple earings, but get a fabulous sparkly clutch in a bright color.
Okay. Really I wanted to think and read what everyone else thought. I agree with kristi and tuwabvb. I love B!! It looks great on your headless body. I always lean toward classic for some reason... The other two dresses are beautiful too. I love the White House Black Market.
personally, I like dress B better .. especially if you had some strappy heels .. but I remember your knee thing ... so there is THAT .. either way they all look nice .. but FOR ME, I feel weird about my shoulders and back being exposed so that is why I may have picked dress B .. :)
also, I just looked at them again ... you seem to be standing better in dress A .. perhaps that is the one you like best and feel better in???
ok, and I can be HONEST?? I think they are all pretty similar .. BUT I am no "fashion person" I am just a girl sitting on her couch in sweatpants, with messy hair and no makeup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude, and totally go with what Rich likes!!!!!!! there is nothing better than an adult dress up night out when your husband loves the way you look ... sorry if that is anti-feminist or whatever:)
I should shut up now....
I find myself rivited by Dress Find 2008. I keep checking back to read more and more comments!!! This is so fun!
I like the first dress best. It looks great on you. I think some strappy silver sandals, or black sandals with rhinestones, would look fantastic.
ok, I agree with Nicole ... also, get a good pedicure and your knee thing wont matter ... also, is a nice sit down dinner so for most of the time your knees will be UNDER a table cloth????
I dont know what "dinner dressy coat and tie means" ...but like a good southern girl you are taking your cues from the time and place of the wedding;)
also, you totally need to post a picture of YOUR wedding dress now ...
Mandy - you do know the wedding dress "situation" right?
Second dress. FOR CERTAIN.
Dress A.
But all of them look great.
Curious and nosey question: What is the wedding dress "situation"??
My favorite is Dress B. I love the neckline...simple and elegant. Pearls and strappy shoes.
But I agree with Mandy...wear what Rich likes. Personally, I know I don't wear something if Sid doesn't like it. I've even been known to return things to the store after getting them home. It just makes me feel pretty and desirable when I'm dressed in something Sid likes. Silly, I guess, but true.
First choice: Dress B
Second choice: Dress C
Third choice: Dress A
I LOVE WHBM. They are all beautiful dresses and you can't go wrong with ANY OF THEM! However, I would ditch the hose if you can (do the spray on thing) and wear something peep toe! I guarantee you your knees cannot possibly look weird to anyone but yourself!
As for accessories with my top choice (dress B) you could either go with traditional--pearls, or contemporary--something more "costumey." Really you can't go wrong with any of these choices! They are all beautiful!
PS, I love your comment about the vanity sizing. :) Always an important factor! Hee!
you look lovely in all 3, but i love dress B the best! so cute and flattering!
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