Monday, April 14, 2008

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?*&#!%?! Part 2

Me? PTO president? Seriously? I am so very flattered that you asked, really I am (even though I am guessing that it was mostly out of desperation). But, have. you. met. me? I am not patient. I am not good at delegating. I am a control freak and tend to get a little pissy when things are not done my way. I am overly opinionated about why and how things should be done. Did you hear me last week when I said the first thing I would do if I was PTO president would be to disband the PTO??? I do not believe in perpetuating the vain efforts of an ineffectual organization. I would create a room mothers' association, because that's what it is.

On the other hand, who the hell am I kidding? We all know perfectly well that you will call me back and tell me that there is just no one else who could possibly do this next year and how you neeeeddd me to do this. I will be guilted into agreeing and then I will hate myself (and possibly you) for the next 12 months. I should just go ahead and call the real mafia (cuz I gots me some connections!) to take care of the Dad's Club Mafia because they will be the second, if not the very first, person/persons to piss me the hell off.

You know what? If I got a part time job at the Banana, I'd get a discount on some cute clothes! Am I going to be getting a discount on tuition?


Tess said...



Mandy said...

HA HA HA it, then disband it ... and I will totally come out there and take minutes for THAT meeting:)

Brenda said...

I don't know how I made it through the school years of 5 kids without being in any PTO or a Den mother! But, I am SO very glad that I did.

Good Luck! Take Pictures!

Katie said...

Wait. There is a Dad's Club? I think THEY should take over the PTO duties.

MaryB said...

Katie - OMG - they so would if anyone would let them, but then they would become even more dictatorial than they already try to be. Oh, and then one particular PIA would remind me how my husband never comes to any Dads' meetings/activities and then I would pissily remind him that my husband is out wroking TWO piloting (i.e. not at home!) jobs to pay the tuition while his happy ass tucks his kids in every night. Oh , hell, the Dad's mafia deserve their own post. Im sure I must have mentioned them back at Fall Festival time. They dont want to actually BE IN CHARGE, they just want to TELL YOU HOW TO DO IT. AARHGH - men are dummies.

Bitter much?