Friday, July 11, 2008

Foiled by a Common Name

There are too many people who share my name. Which is funny because I do not know one single other person named MaryBeth or any other combination of my real name! And, apparently they are all yankees and belles. NEED HELP -NEED FUN TWITTER NAME!!! I've tried every version of my name, intitials, things related to yankees, Texas, and belles, ala the blog title.

Help a girl out, would ya?

At the moment the only thing I've tried that is still available is
Textastic. You guys are creative, funny and all me out!

i had a big, serious post planned about how I am once again bemoaning my place in life because of a conversation i had with a doctor while getting pedicure yesterday....Who needs THAT kind of crap on a FRIDAY?? And, well, obviously, a cool Twitter name is MUCH more important!


Tess said...

Have I ever told you that my stepmom's name is MaryBeth? Can't remember.

What about just YankeeMaryB or something like that? I know there are people on Twitter that I "know" through their blogs, but if they use a name that has nothing to do with their blog, then I don't follow them, cuz I'm like HUH? Plus, I can't remember who is who.

Mandy said...

did you try marybelle? (didnt one of your sons call you something simimlar recently?) I am assumign you did sine you wrote that in your post .. try all combos of that marybell, marybells, merrybell, etc

I am no help since I am mandyg on twitter - yep real original

MaryB said...

Tessie - don't recall you mentioning that. BUT, glad to know another one. Ive never met another MaryBeth which is pretty funny after 13 years of Catholic school! I mean, really, surely I was not the only MaryElizabeth THERE???

35K/year - oh shit! Of course, his other choices are no better!and, my 1st choice is worse! The Fighting Irish are obviously fighting and RICH!

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Maybe NoMaryNoYankee?

Katie said...

Okay. I just don't get what Twitter is and what it does and why it is in use. What do you DO with it? I am totally baffled!

MaryB said...

Katie - here are more savvy people who could explain better thn I can! however, its kind of like live blogging, group IMing, and constant ongoign conversations or observations???? best I can explain. YOU NEED AND TRACY NEED TO JOIN ASAP!!! You could tweet "OMG - water broke!!" Or, "On push #2 hope it only takes one more" Just kidding! But, i think thats a good exaggeration of its "in the moment" communicating!! now, rich just needs to get me a better phone so I can take full advantage of it all!

Swistle said...

MaryB- I like Tessie's idea of YankeeMaryB. Or YankeeGuide. Anything that brings to mind the name of your blog.