I realize you are gift-giving challenged. Allow me to help you by presenting a small, certainly not comprehensive, list of sure fire birthday pleasers.
I don't usually like the thicker heels, but these shoes speak to me. I love classics and these are updated spectators. What's more classic than a shirt dress, trench coat, or spectators?
BUT, I want this dress in teak, not this coral color.
My bottle is running low, and I broke the spritzer head by dropping it on the tile.
Love this dress - so many ways to accessorize, and so figure flattering. Would be so cute with those shoes up at the top!
I have too many red dresses, but they are all summer dresses. This one I could wear through the fall.
There are so many more things that would bring a smile to may face, but these are a good place to start. Of course nothing would put a bigger smile on my face than a night on the town with you! A room at the Ashton and a night in Fort Worth would be a no-fail option also!
Your-soon-to-be-a-year-older wife, MaryB
Oh my God, that red dress is absolutely STUNNING!! I can't wait to hear about what you actually receive :)
Those shoes SURE ARE PURDY. Thanks for giving us the link too!
I love this post. Except even if I did this for my husband, he would still neglect to buy a gift. I stopped getting my feelings hurt after the fifth year he did this. He just SUCKS at gift giving. The end.
erin - Beleive me, Im not holding out tons of hope. I was being euphemistic (is that a word?) when I referrred to him as gift challenged! This was a last ditch, vain attempt to help him. Ill let you know if it works. I can't remember a birthday that even involved cake or a card in the past 10 years... Although, in his defense, he is going to read this and say, "um, have you walked in to the kitchen lately? Doesn't THAT make your birthday happy?" and then I will feel like a selfish wench.eeck!
My parents used to buy their own gifts from each other at Christmas time. "Hey, you bought me this nightgown. Thanks. I'll wrap it." They also bought surprises for each other but it always cracked me up. And everyone got something they wanted.
Good luck to you in your quest. I'll keep my fingers crossed for that night out on the town. Hopefully in those shoes.
My ex was the worst at gift giving. My birthday falls on or near Thanksgiving,depending on the year and we are usually with family. They are giving me gifts and cards and never a word from him. Thus.... he's the ex.
Good Luck with the suggestions. I think they are all great. The kitchen tho.... that's hard to beat. I think a vase of flowers would look great on the counter...hint, hint.
LOVE the shoes. LOVE!
Ha! I love this visual aid. Also, YOINKING ENTIRE LIST to drool over.
I really need to come and spend some time with you to learn to be more girly!!! I feel like I have been transitioning from tom-boyhood for the last 20 years and need MAJOR help on the being more feminine:)
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