Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday Morning Confessions
Confession #2 - Tessie, this one's for you! Rich and I are starting Body for Life today. God help me. Workout one went well. I'm liking the 25 minute cardio workout - I've never gotten out of the gym so fast in my life. However, I think Bill Phillips is a total greedy, steroid pushing DORK.
Confession #3 - The 6th Grade's class project for the auction is still not done so I am just not answering my phone or checking my e-mail. That way I do not know that they are all freaking out and yelling at me.
Confession #4 - I often think of getting "implants" if you know what I mean - any opinions out there? This isn't something I'm gonna be doing in the near future, but was wondering what the consensus is out there of normal people (i.e. not stepford-wife-wanna-be-stripper-nutjobs).
Monday, March 24, 2008
Will Write More Later...

Hope you all had a great Easter weekend. I gave up chocolate for Lent, so I was more than happy Easter morning to have THESE for breakfast. One of my easiest, yummiest, go-to recipes for yummy chocolate decadence. They are fabulous with a great cup of coffee. Breakfast of champions, right?
Friday, March 21, 2008
I'm so old that I now complain about the weather!
In other news, I am highly recommending a new beverage to all, especially if you are a vodka kind of girl. It sounds a little gross, but it is great because it is a little fruity without being sweet, especially when you splash it with a little club soda and a twist of lime. And, this will forever be a libation that led to a complete turnaround in my life.marriage....long story. Maybe I'll share one day, but not today. Anyway, I thought it might bring you a happy moment or two also. I almost exclusively drink Absolut, so I had not discovered this little darling until a friend whipped it out when she realized I needed some "medicinal" intervention.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Moronity - Is that a word?
On the bright side, I think this is the first, and probably last/only, time that I think the dress looks better on me than on the model...Or, possibly I am delusional, but I don't think so. This dress makes her very Twiggy self look bigger than she is (NOT big - just bigger than she is). I think the dress makes me look smaller and thinner than I am. Or, maybe it is because in the picture you can't see how the chiffon floats around a much more slender silhouette underneath.
Moral of the story - Don't forget your sunscreen - especially if you are planning to wear a strapless dress.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
How To Embarrass Your Husband At Work 101
I was just about the last one to board the plane (the joys of flying stand-by) and Rich was already in the cockpit doing whatever it is he does, but the captain was still in the jet-way saying hello to passengers. As I walked by he said, "you gonna say hi to loverboy before you head to the back?" I did not realize that neither the passengers in the first row nor the two nearby flight attendants were privy to this exchange. So, imagine their surprised faces when I looked into the cockpit and said, "hel--lo lovah-boy!" When I saw their faces and realized that they were shocked, I looked right at them and said, "Damn! These pilots are HOT!" and walked back to my seat.
One nice thing about Texas is that even if many of the men are chauvinistic pigs, at least chivalry isn't dead. I sat patiently in my seat on the plane knowing that I would be waiting for Rich and the rest of the crew to finish up their duties before I rode the van to the hotel with them. One nice man in a cowboy hat noticed me sitting and thought that I was there because no one would let me out. He stopped and offered to let me go in front of him. I politely replied that, "That's okay. I'm going to hang out for a minute and see if I can get a hot date with one of the pilots." I wish you could have seen his face. He could not hide his disdain or disbelief. Even funnier when he saw me walking out of the airport with the crew. I hope he figured it out. Or not - whatever.
Interesting side note: On the way home, a lovely lady told me that my tags were sticking out of my sweater (embarrassing!). We had the typical airplane conversation of "coming or going? where's home? blah blah blah." BUT, the interesting part was this: She is a NATIVE TEXAN who has relocated to Florida. I said, "you must miss Texas being a native and all." She says, " Oh, honey, if you'd sell me the whole state for a nickel, I wouldn't take it."
A Native Texan who thinks Texas is crazy????? How lovely and refreshing! It was a lovely contrast to the lady who asked me if I was born in Texas and upon my reply of "no," replied that, "well, I'm sure you got here as fast as you could."
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Classic Example of My Overthinking
Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday - back to life, back to reality
Rich did a surprisingly good job managing Connor's big sandwich/book project! I can't tell you how great that is for me. It enabled me to have a great weekend and not come home to freaking out and chaos. Also, it means that I know that I can relinquish my control freakishness and count on him to be more helpful in this area. This is a HUGE relief to me! AND, and...the house was pretty darn well picked up, there were no dishes in the sink (probably because they ate out like every meal, but whatever!), and he had even done a load of laundry. Put on your coats, people, because I'm pretty sure that hell is freezing over as we speak.
Now, I must get my house in order and start working on the 6th grade's auction project in earnest. Can't believe how I have procrastinated on that task. I am not a procrastinator. Oh, well, life has been inordinately weird lately.
So, tell me all about your fabulous weekends.
Sunday, March 2, 2008

How many martinis does it take before Susan turns into a possessed leprechaun?
There are no pictures from night two because you cannot stop singing, dancing, clapping, and laughing long enough at the Dueling Pianos to bother with the camera. (should have though!) And, it was so dark and chill in the Scat Jazz club that it would have ruined the atmosphere to shock everyone with a camera flash.
I'd love to tell you more, but, um, well, my mother reads this blog, and have I mentioned that my father is a deacon? Also, it would involve an actual candidate for US Congress. Let's just say that "Stella" got her groove back.